Rosettatype’s avatarRosettatype’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,297

          1. Did I mention the recent updates to our website?! Here are the first few. 1. new variable testers-headers 2. previews for all OT features 3. each script-family has its own site (Aisha Arabic vs Aisha Latin) 4. no tracking
        1. …in reply to @rosettatype
          1. Headers are the best place for testers! @connaryfagen made us see that
      1. …in reply to @rosettatype
        2. We have developed our own layout library and a simple markup language to deal with the feature previews for all 36+ families. @drawbotapp helped a lot too.
    1. …in reply to @rosettatype
      3. With each family presented individually, the libary suddenly looks big! :) We are still keeping some families/variants together not to bloat it, e.g. optical sizes. I wanted to do this for a very long time and hope it will bring more visibility and clarity.
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their APIoh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @rosettatype
    We removed all Google Analytics and Facebook code and use GDPR-ready @PlausibleHQ to keep those corps from snooping on you. 🕵️ Sorry it took us so long!