Rosettatype’s avatarRosettatype’s Twitter Archive—№ 4,083

      1. ➡️🌐 HYPERGLOT is a database and tools for detecting language support in fonts Find out which languages and how many speakers your font supports. Preview orthographies needed to write in the world’s languages (640+ are currently included).
        oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @rosettatype
      📦 Hyperglot is also an open-source database, Python package, and command-line tool (pip install hyperglot)
      oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
  1. …in reply to @rosettatype
    👐 We’ve made Hyperglot’s database open-source to allow it to grow and enable others to use it. If you spot an issue or notice your favourite language is altogether missing from the database, get in touch. We will happily incorporate your feedback and credit you.
    1. …in reply to @rosettatype
      ☁️ Hopefully, it will help font developers support more languages and perhaps even feed back into mainstream sources used by software developers around the world.
      1. …in reply to @rosettatype
        🙏 Hyperglot is part of our 10-year-anniversary sharing efforts and it has been in the making for a while. Johannes (@underscoretype) app and tools David (Březina) idea and data Sérgio (@slmrtins) and Toshi (@Tosche_E) even more data, and Pavel (@pavel_macek) UX help
        1. …in reply to @rosettatype
          🙏 We stand on the shoulders of giants (SIL/Ethnologue, Unicode, and many others). Many thanks to everyone who contributed so far and our beta testers for their helpful feedback! Send more! And now take it for a spin. It’s fun.