Rosettatype’s avatarRosettatype’s Twitter Archive—№ 3,367

  1. …in reply to @moyogo
    @moyogo @KhaledGhetas @justvanrossum I can also confirm what @monokromfonts and @moyogo said. The set of the glyphs for which this happens is not clear to me though. But then I checked and I somehow managed to make things work (except for i with ogonek; could be a bug in my code). @monokromfonts/1135837324749787136
    oh my god twitter doesn’t include alt text from images in their API
    1. …in reply to @rosettatype
      @moyogo @KhaledGhetas @justvanrossum @monokromfonts These are all typed with combining marks. To make it clearer, things would not stack if the base was the base + the first accent instead (I do not have anchors in accented glyphs).